Any advice, help..¿

the recent events here (hoffman’s request to close the forum and some losers wanting to take over moderation) have me a bit worried.

while it’s nice to see the forum owner clearly taking a stand, what i still want to do is;

a backup forum that will track the threads opened in the forum at certain intervals and automatically backup all threads.

the problem is that i have no idea how to do this.

i need your thoughts and help.

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This way, we are not at the mercy of a single website owner. We have a backup when the day comes that they want to buy this site too.

Eh, as soon as it costs any money to defend legally, I’d just fold it and say the corporate overlords won and Hoffman is a bad person for wasting Chiabux astroturfing.

I dont take donations but I have the db backed up and I guess you can send the host money directly. If there was a situation where I would have to give up the site I would just release the db so someone could spin it up again in a moments notice at some other domain.

That being said I dont think this will be an issue since we dont infringe on their IP/trademarks in any way. Theres no (legal) mechanism for them to shut us down.


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